Calling this a trial is a misnomer. Really, it was the mockery of a trial. Rome was known for its relatively fair laws and freedom. However, the greed and anger of the Jews overruled any chance of fairness in Jesus' trial. They had predetermined that He was guilty. His crime: becoming more popular than they were. He was a hero of the common people, whose simple faith believed what he said and was inspired by His miracles. This is exactly why they captured him at night and performed the trial yet that night. Even Pilate, the Roman ruler, realized that they had delivered Him because of envy and he wanted to release Jesus. However, he was not willing to upset the Jews. He valued his own popularity more than true justice. He did ask the Jews to reconsider. He offered to release their king. But, they would have nothing to do with their own promised Messiah that they had been awaiting for centuries. This was their Savior, the one who could save them from their sins. He had plainly laid out the way of salvation. Yet, they crushed it underfoot as worthless.
How are we treating Jesus today? Do we believe His Word? Do we obey His commands? Do we give Him our time, talents, money and even our whole lives? We have a grand opportunity. What will we do with it? How will we use what God has so abundantly given us? What will Jesus say to us when we stand before Him on the Judgment Day? "Well done, thou good and faithful servant"? Let's not be ashamed of Him so that He is not ashamed of us.
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