Friday, April 25, 2008


The book of Philemon is very short, but it is packed with inspiration. Now for some background: Onesimus was Philemon's slave. He had run away to Rome where he met Paul and was converted. Paul asked him to return to his rightful master, but he sends a letter along with him to intercede for him. Philemon had every right to punish Onesimus and force him to become a slave again, but in this letter, Paul, very eloquently, asks Philemon not to punish him or hold him responsible for anything he had stolen. He even hints at freeing him, which tradition says that Philemon did. It seems that Onesimus then went on to become a bishop. What an amazing story! This reminds me of what Christ did for us. We had forsaken him and were useless servants. Yet, He forgave our debt and brought us back as His sons and daughters. What a blessing! Our God is so merciful. We could never do right on our own. He has made a way for us to be saved. Let's take full advantage of His wonderful plan of salvation.

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