Tuesday, April 01, 2008

John 14

This chapter begins with a very comforting verse: "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me." That is a solution to many of our troubles. If we would only believe and trust Jesus, we would not need to worry so much. He is in control of our lives and will never let us down. Our lives are more damaged by worry then by the things we worry about. The next verses give us a glimpse of the future for us if we are faithful: many mansions in heaven. Jesus will go there and if we are following Him, we will too. Jesus then patiently explains to His disciples that He is one with the Father and if they have seen Him and His works, then they have seen the Father. He also promises them the gift of the Holy Spirit to comfort them after He leaves this world.


What a blessing to be able to trust Jesus! He is God. So, we don't need to worry. He will take care of everything. We need only to believe and obey Him, and we are promised a wonderful home in heaven.

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